No. 1. Junàgaäh rock inscription. Sanskrit. (Notes)
In the following notes the letter B. denotes Prof. Buhler's text, the letter I. that of
Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji. n. marking the numbers of Kielhorn's notes from EI publ.; D.Ch.
Sircar in SI often read c instead ch.
L. 1. n.4. B. has taòàkaì, but the second syllable is undoubtedly äà; compare òà in
-taò-àòòàlak-, l. 6. The word is spelt taäàka also in the Junàgadh rock
inscription of Skandagupta, Gupta Inscr. p. 61, ll. 21 and 23. It may be noted that that
Prinsep's wrong reading taòakaì is responsible for the word taòaka, 'shore,' of our
dictionaries; n.5. I. and B. have Girinagarà_dri-pàd-rama], but in his notes on I. Prof.
Buhler stated that the reading ràdri is very improbable. In the impression, the akshara
which by Bhagvanlal Indraji was read dri seems undoubtedly to be only da; and the
following akshara cannot be read pà, but is most probably pi. n. 6 The original
apparently has mðttik-. n. 7 I. has -îchhraya-; n. 8 B. omits dðäha.
SI: read [d][ó?]ram=a[n?]t[a] . . . . . . . . . . . . [tt]ik-îpala- as . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . [bhð][tti]kîpala-, ment. Indraji and Buhler readings
(girinagarà[dri-pda-rama]) and correctness of Kielhorn reading.
L. 2. n. 9 From here ([ba][ndha?]), commencing with the ò of øòa, the lower part of the
aksharas is broken away. The word read bandhaì might equally well be baddhaì. n. 10 Here
there are remainders of three aksharas, the second of which seems to have contained the
conjunct rk. n. 11 I. and B. have -parèvàhaì.
L. 3. n. 12 The sign of anusvàra over na looks somewhat like the superscript r. n. 13. I.
and B. have -skandhaì.
L. 4. n. 14 The lacuna may be filled up thus: pautra[sya ràjãaõ køatrapasya
sugðhèta-nàmnaõ Svàmi-Jayadàmna]õ; but I should have expected five or six syllables
more. SI read 'pautra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . õ' as
pautra[sya*][ràjãaõ køatrapasya sugðhètanàmnaõ svàmi-Jayadàmna*]õ;
L. 5. n. 15. I. and B. have Màrga-. n. 16 B. has -pa, but the akshara pra and the t of ti
are clear in the impression. The original most probably had -pratipadi. n. 17. I. and B.
have susðøòa-, but the sign of visarga before sðøòa is quite clear. What remains of
the akshara preceding the visarga looks as if that akshara had contained the letter k or
r, or a subscript u. n. 19 Read -nyån=aikà-.
SI read '-prat[i] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. õ sðøòa-vðøòinà parjjanyåna' as -prat[i][padi*]. . . .*õ sðøòa-vðøòinà
and ment. Indraji and Buhler (susðøòa) reading.
L. 6. n. 1. Read nadènàm=. n. 2. I. has =vågaiõ. n. 3 I. and B. have ryamàí-. n. 4.
I. has -nîchhraya-.
L. 7. n. 5. Read -vågåía, which is the reading of I. and B. (SI the same) n. 6. Read
-pratànam=. n. 7 Read viìùad-(for viìùaty-). n. 8 Read -tån=aità- (for àyatåna).
n. 9. I. has -vanty=åva. SI read -àva[dè ?] . as -àva[dè][ría*]. . . .;
L. 8. n. 10. I. and B. have -saptati-. n. 11. Read marudhanva-, which is the meaning of I.
and B. n. 12. I.e., probably, durddarùanam=àsèt |, with two or three words introducing
the following sentence. n. 13. I. and B. have Mauryyasya. n. 14 Read ràjãaù=. n. 15 The
initial consonant ([V]aiùyåna), the lower part of which is damaged, has been restored by
Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji. n. 16 Read kàritam=. n. 17 For tå (Mauryasya tå) Dr. Bhau Daji
proposed tåna, and Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji tat. I would suggest kðtå. n. 18 I. and B.
have Tuøàspån=, but the sign for ph is distinct in two impressions of this passage.
Compare also Dr. Fleet in Ind. Ant. Vol. XXII. p. 195. SI read -saptati-hastàn=,
Mauryasya [kð]tå,
L. 9. n. 19. B. omits kðta (in ànurópa-kðta-). n. 20 The original may possibly have
tasmiì, as read by Prinsep, Read tasmin=. n. 21. I. has praíàëyà, and B. pranàëyà;
but pranàäyà is quite distinct. n. 22. This akshara has been hitherto read nî, but the
back of the impression clearly shows that íà was engraved; this must be the last
syllable of a noun in the instrumental case. Read í=à garbhàt=. n. 23. The vowel i over
d appears to be quite certain; of the akshara which follows upon di the upper part is
gone, and what remains looks like the remnant of pa or sha rather than of ta. But I
consider samudita to be certain; samudaya would be impossible. n. 24. Read =abhigamya,
which is the reading of I. and B. n. 25 Read -àrthaì (for rakøaí-àrtha), which is the
reading of I. and B. n. 26. Read vðtån=à. SI read tasmiì, in notes - tasmin;
-samud[i][va-rà]jalakømè-, in notes - samudita;
L. 10. n. Read -jãån=ànyatra. n. 28. I. and B. (for . ta-kàruíyåna) have (dhð)ta-
and dhðta-, but the akshara preceding ta is quite illegible. n. 29 (For svayamabhigata)
Over the ta of -gata is a mark which might be taken for the sign of anusvàra. n. 30. I.
and B. have -praíipatti-[viùå]øa-, I. with the sign of interrogation after viùå. In
my opinion, the akshara, read tti by them is undoubtedly ti, with, below it, an accidental
scratch (which, if it were really t, would stand under the right, not the left, vertical
line of the upper t). Again, what remains of the consonant of the akshara, preceding øa,
does not look at all like a remnant of ù, but seems to be an almost fully preserved y. n.
31. I. and B. have -sðøòàpórvva-, but two impressions of this passage have clearly
øòa, not øòà. SI in notes: read - tàyuùùaraía-; possibly read -mðgîragà-;
L. 11. n. 1 From bhra to Sauvè the upper portion of the aksharas is broken away. The text
has been restored by Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji to whom the word Sindhu was suggested by Prof.
Buôhler. Of the first akshara of the word Maru enough remains to show that the akshara
was not bha. n 2 I. omits this (. . r[ttha]-), and B. has rvva; but the akshara is
undoubtedly the same which we have in r[ttha]ì, l. 15, only without the anusvàra.-B.
proposed to fill up the lacuna by reading ya[thåpsitàvàpta-sarvva]kàma; I myself would
read ya[thàvatpràpta-dharm-àrttha]-kàma-. n. 3 (For patinà) The grammatically correct
form would be patyà. (SI in notes - read patya)
L. 12. n. 4 The t of the syllable tî of this word (jàtîtsåk) looks as if th or òh had
been originally engraved. n. 5 Read nirvyàjam=avajity-àvajitya. n. 6 I. and B. have
àvadóra[ta*]yà, but there are clear traces of the vowel i above the sign for v. The top
of the akshara dó is slightly damaged. Read -àvidóra[ta*]y=ànu-. n. 7 I. and B. have
[tta] (for . . . [pta]-). n. 8 B. has bhraøòaràjya-, but the reading bhraøòaràja-
appears to me to be quite certain. n. 9 I. has yathàrtha-. SI read -à[vi]dóra(ta*)yà
anutsàdanàt=pràpta-yaùasà [vàda] . . . . . . [pra*][pta]-vijayåna;
L. 13. n. 10. I. has chhray- . n. 11. Read -ànuràgåía. n. 12 (for -charma-) This
akshara is rma, not rmma, but the top part of it looks as if some other akshara had been
originally intended to be engraved. n. 13. Read -kriyåí=àhar-. n. 14. I. has =dàna-
(for ahar=ddàna-).
l. 14. n. 15 Possibly kànaka- may have been actually engraved. n. 16 B. omits rajata. n.
17. I. and B. have vaidórya-, but the sign for ä is most distinct in the impression.
Besides, the sign for the ó of dó differs, as has been shown above, from the sign for
ó; which is here used; compare the dó of àv[i]dórayà, above, l. 12.
n. 18. I. has -varía- (for -varíía-). n. 19 Read -sattv- (for -sàra-satv-). SI read:
kànaka- in notes - kanaka; followed Buhler restoration
-padya-[kàvya-vidhna-pravèíe*]na in text;
L. 15. n. 20 I. has -mórtinà. n. 21. I. and B. have -kanyà-, but the akshara nnyà is
quite clear in the impression. n. 22 I. has -kèrti-. n. 23 Read ch=àpè-.; SI read
gî-bràh[m]a[ía*]. . .;
L. 16. n. 24 Read =kîùàn=. n. 25 Read -aughån=ànati-. n. 26. (for r[v]va-ta[ò ?]å)
I. and B. have [sarvva]naga[ra], but the akshara read na by them is clearly ta. n. 27. The
a of asminn=is very doubtful, but I consider it more probable than the ta of tasminn= in
I. and B. n. 28. I. has =arthå.
L. 17 n. 29. I. has -karmma- (for karmasachivair). n. 30. Read -mahattvàd= (for
atimahatvàd). SI read ca before mahàkøatrapa[s]ya ;
L. 18. n. 1 Read prajàsv=ih. n. 2. I. has -àrtthaì (in ànugrah-àrthaì). n. 3. Read
-øòràíàì (in Suràøòrànàì), which is the reading of I. and B. n. 4. I. has
-àrtthan= (in pàlan-àrtthan).
L. 19. n. 5. I. and B. have Palhavåna. n. 6. I. has -dharmmaì (in artha-dharma-). n. 7.
I. and B. have -hàryåía.
L. 20. n. 8. I. has -kèrti-. n. 9. I. has bharttur=.