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A.R. Ep., Annual Reports on Indian Epigraphy
ASIAR Arheological Survey of India, Annual Reports
ASR Annual Survey Report of Director-General of Archeology's
ASSI Arheological Survey of Southern India,
ASWI Archaeological Survey of Western India
BB B. D. Banerji
BCh B. Ch. Chabra
BG The Bombay Gazetteer
Bu G. Buôhler
CCAD Rapson, Catalogue of the coins of the Andhra Dynasty etc.
CII Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum
Corp. Inscr. Ind. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum
DRB D. R. Bhandarkar
DS D. Ch. Sircar
EH E. Hultzsch
EI Epigraphia Indica
Gai G.S.Gai
GB G. Buôhler
HKS H. Krishna Sastri
IA Indian Antiquary
ICTWI Bh. Indraji-J.Burgess, Inscriptions from the Cave-Temples of the Western India.
JBAS Journal of Bengal Asiatic Society
JBBRAS Journal of Bombay Branch of Royal Asiatic Society
JESI Journal of the Epigraphical Society of India
JRAS Journal of Royal Asiatic Society
JV J. Ph. Vogel
KR K. V. Ramesh
Lu H. Luders (H.Luders list)
Mah T.V. Mahalingam
MV Madho Sarup Vats
Notes Amar. Stópa 1882 Burgess. Notes Amar. Stópa,
NS K. A. Nilakantha Sastri
PRAS, WC Progress Reports of Arch. Surv. of India, W. Circle
PSIK Collection of Prakrit and Sanskrit Inscriptions, Bhavnagar. 1895
PSS P. Seshadri Sastri
RB R. Banerji
RB & VS R. Banerji and V. S. Sukthankar
RCh R. Chanda
Sen. E. Senart
ShG Shobhana Gokhale. Kanheri inscriptions. Deccan college. Poona 1975
SI D.Ch. Sircar, Selected Inscriptions
SS S. Sankaranarayan, Mysore
TSW1 Fergusson-Cunningham, Tree and Serpent Worship, 1868
VOJ Vienna Oriental Journal
ZDMG Zeitschrift fuÔr die Kunde des Morgenlandes