Commentaries and Variants
L.1 This word siddham is written between lines 1 and 2 (Gai), Gopal read: praíahita.
L.2 Gopal read: hastaâ, pravaràsanå.
L.3 Gopal read: carccàpàrasya.
L.5 Gopal read: Mðgåùavarmmaía.
L.6 Gopal read: Màrggaùira-màsa.
L.7 Gopal read: skanda[õ*].
L.8 Gopal read: àvàpta.
L.9 Gopal read: prajà-pari-pàlana.
L.10 We corrected Gai and Gopal reading: dvija-varåbhy=îjasra.
L.11 Gopal read: -íivarttanè-gràma hiraíy=; Gai read: -íivarttanè gràma-.
L.12 Gopal read naika as nåka.
L.16 Gopal read: Kiâunèrilli gràmam, Gai: this is dravidian ðu.
L.17 Gopal read: anta[shkara]-.
L.18 (¸*) - only in Gai publication.
L.19 Gopal read: Bhèøma-gèta-ùlîkaõ, dvijàtibhyî.
L.20 Gopal read: ra[køa], (¸*) - only in Gai publication.
L.21 Gai in notes to idaã=ca: read ayaì ca, Gopal read: -[ya]ùa.
L.22 Gopal read: anujãata, ivaã=cha.
L.23 (¸*) only in Gai publication.
L.24 Gopal read: phalam=iti[Kèrtti] va[rå]-.
L.25 | is written at the end of the line (Gai).