Commentaries and Variants
L.1 Gopal read: -îcchðiêgyàm.
L.3 Gopal read: pratikðita-.
L.4 Gopal read only: -àvabhðta-.
L.7 Gopal read: -sakhala-, pruthu.
L.8 Gopal read: -khaòa- and read only: -daía-; read danta ? (DNL).
L.9 Gopal read: h=ànaika, Gai: ha(ho)naika, better looks hanaika (DNL); Gopal read:
yaùî-bhðita, read ùrèman (DNL).
L.9-10 R. Narasimhachar (Mysore Arch.Reports, 1911, p.35) read Màndhàtaràja and
distinguished this king and the king mentioned in Kóägere plates; D.Ch. Sircar
(Successors of Satavahanas, p.306) considered màndhàta as mistake from màndhàtð and
this king was, in his opinion, the same as mentioned in Kóägere plates; Gopal read:
ùrèman=Màndhàta-ràjaõ rajyåna.
L.11 Gopal read: øaí=nivarttanèì Pàlgaæini gràmasya[ãcha]ãchatu.
L.13 Gopal read: -dvàdaùyàì vidita-kal=îd-gamanàya.
L.14 Gopal read: -vðirttaye parama-nistàragàya Triyambaka.
L.15 Gopal read: yaâ=pàtà pàlayità và sa cha.
L.16 Gopal read: y=îpi harttà hàrayità và sa cha.
L.17 Gopal read: prîktam.
L.18 Gopal read only: vasundharàì, øaøòiì-variøa, kimi.
L.19 (õ|*) - only in Gai publication, in notes: Sandhi has not been observed here. Gopal
read: bhómi (ta).
L.20 (m ||2|| iti) - only in Gai publication, Gopal read: virddhir.