Commentaries and variants.
L.1 Gopal read 1 and 2 stk. As 1, 3 as 2 e t.c.
L.2 Corrected gåhàya(yàõ), =sanàtata(naõ) by Gai only, Gopal read: dharà yî da
L.3 Gopal read: dhàra, =udhyàt=abhiøiktànàm=;
L.4 Gopal read: àvabhðta[snà]na-paviòrèkrit=ànvayànà Hàritè-putràíàm
L.5 Gopal read: 4 svàdhàya-chrchà-pàràíà[m]; Gai in notes: read:
carccà-pàràíàì.Gopal read: sagîtràíà
L.6 Gopal read: -la-mahipî
L.7 Gopal read: putrasy=Ajavarmmaíaõ. Corrected -àrjitaõ(ta) by Gai only.
L.8 Corrected =îpalabdhaõ(bdha) by Gai only. Gopal read: Bhîgivarmmà-[ma]hà-ràjàõ
L.9 Corrected -gîtràyaõ(ya), -niratàyaõ(ya) viùiøòàyaõ(ya) by Gai only.
L.10 Gopal read: chaturvviìsat=palyàì åkaì
L.11 Gopal read: Kiâu-kóäalórn=nàmadhåyàm=pallè adbhiâ=pradàn ya imàn rakøati
s=îùvamådha- Gai in notes: read Karukóäalnàmadhåyàì pallèmaddhiõ pràdàt |.
Corrected =àpnîtèõ(ti)by Gai only.
L.12 Corrected va(ba)hubhirv=, ta(ya)dà, bhómi-ta(sta) by Gai only.
L.13 Corrected =cha(ccha)kyaì, -pàlanaì(nam), =chrå(cchre) by Gai only.
L.15 Corrected vasundharà(ràm) by Gai only. Gopal read: øaøòhiì
L.16 Gai in notes: L.16/20 in faulty Kannaäa language, have been apparently added to the
original grant at a later date and hence do not form part of the genuine record. Gopal
read: móvatteraäu, Tagareyà and not read oì.
L.17 Gopal read: móvaìtà-eraäaì, saìrvva-parihàraì and bhaíaì
L.18 Gopal read: kàdînge
L.19 Gopal read: Kiætivóral, Kiâukóäaóraì keâeya
L.20 Gopal read:. . [sa]ma-bhàga, Bhaëëaviyam. Lines 18-19(i.e.19-20) are engraved
between lines 13-14 and 14-15 (i.e. 14/15 and 15/16) respectively (Gopal), Gai - tha same