No. 66. Amaràvatè buddhist pillar inscription. Prakrit.

1882 Burgess-Hultzsch, Notes Amar. Stópa, p. 44, nos. 78 B and 217, and Pl. V, Nos. 23 and 22; 1883 Hultzsch, ZDMG XXXVII, p. 554, No. 20; 1887 Burgess-Hultzsch, ASSI I, p. 102, and Pl. LVII, No. 25; Luders list No 1270;
Lu: - Fragment. Mentions a monk (pavachi[ta]), the pupil (atavàsika) of the great Vinaya teacher (mahàvinayaìdhara) Aya-Budhi (Àrya-Buddhi) of the. . . . . liyas.