No. 72. Amaràvatè buddhist chhattra inscription. Prakrit.

1882 Burgess, Notes Amar, Stópa, p. 49, No. 88 B, and Pl. VII, No. 29; 1882 Hultzsch, Notes Amar, Stópa, p. 55, No. 88 B; 1883 Hultzsch, ZDMG XXXVII, p, 555 f., No, 24; 1887 Burgess-Hultzsch, ASSI I, p. 87, and Pl. XLV, 6 and LX, No, 45; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 600; Luders list No 1276;
Lu: - Gift of a parasol (chhata) to the Chaitya (chådiya) of the venerable (aèra) Utayipabhàhis by the female lay-worshipper (uvàsikà) Chadà (Chandrà), the mother of Budhi (Buddhi).