No. 15 Ajaíòà cave inscription, is in Cave X., painted Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. On the left wall opposite the third pillar, and though only a fragment, the letters belong to the age of the carved inscriptions of the Andhra kings. (ASWI)
1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 84, no. 14, and Pl.; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 137, No. 12.6, and Plate LIX; Luders list No 1199ö; |
Lu: - Fragment. Of Bhagava (Bhagavat), the first god of the ascetics (yati), the master of the ascetics (yati). Uncertain. |
Bhagavasa yatipuvade(va) . . . ta yatipatisa yasa . . .
"Of Bhagava (Buddha), first dåva of Yatis . . . master of Yatis . . ."(ASWI)