139(17). Amaràvatè buddhist rail inscription. (No. 558 of 1907).
On a fragment of an oval rail bar |
R. Chanda, EI, XV. No. 13.17 |
. . . . . . . . . . . . sa màtu Kuìbàyà sóchi
Kuìbà of No. 17 is evidently identical with the donor of No. 16. The writing of the two
epigraphs is very similar. But the pictorial symbols at the end are different. In No. 16
this symbol consists of two tridents (triùóla) with a wheel (chakra) between them. The
symbol in No. 17 is a trident evidently on a shrine. (RCh)
'(This) rail bar (is the gift) of Kuìbà, mother of [Utika] (RCh)