146(24). Amaràvatè buddhist rail inscription. (No. 478 of 1913).
On a fragment of coping stone of a rail. |
R. Chanda, EI, XV. No. 13.24 |
. . . . [ga*ha]-patino sa-putakasa dànaì divaäho hatho
'The gift of the householder . . . . . with his son, a cubit and a half.' (RCh)
Divaäho is Pàli divaääho or diyaääho, Ardha-Màgadhà divaääha (Pischel, par. 230
and 450) =dvikàrdha, modern dåä (Bengali) or dåäh (Hindi). The coping-stone was
probably a cubit and a half long. At the end of the inscription is the svastika symbol
with curved arms. (RCh)