162(40). Amaràvatè buddhist stone inscription. (No. 547 of 1917).

On a fragment of a rail pillar.
R. Chanda, EI, XV. No. 13.40


1 . . . . . . [sa] Chadasa cha màtuyà . . . . . . . . . . .
2 . . . naì navakamikà Äadhànaäàri . . . . . .
3 . . . . ío dhama-kadhiko aya-Äàraäo cha

'. . . . . . . . . of Chada (Chandra) and of his mother . . . . . the overseer of works, Äadhànaäàri . . . . . and the preacher of the law, the venerable Äàraäa.' (RCh)

( Äadhànaäàri and Äàraäî are very strange names. Rao Sahib H. Krishna Sastri suggests that the sign which I have taken as ä may be considered as p. In that case navakamika-padhàna will mean 'the chief of the overseers.' - RCh.)