No. 181 Fragmentary pillar inscription.

(based on) D. C. Sircar EI, XXXV, No. 3.


1 para[r]ta(tra) [|*] abh[isa]
2 [dha] kho likhite [m]e
3 jano bahónè
4 anusuyaìti [|*] sa
5 ra chhijiti vijaye
6 [pi cha] mam[e] pi
7 [pi tata tà]
From impressions.
L. 1. The intended word (for abh[isa]) may be abhisita.
L. 2. The intended word (for [dha]) may be idha.
L. 3. Above this word (jano), there are traces looking like the aksharas nera. It is difficult to say whether they were actually incised or are mere marks on the stone; the akshara after nè (in bahónè) is unrecognisable.
L. 4. The akshara following sa, which was endowed with an e-màtrà, is unrecognisable, but may be me.
L. 5. The akshara following ye is unrecognisable.
L. 6. Read mama. The reading of the last three aksharas may also be m[à]m=api; but, as indicated above, that is less likely.