No. 1. Ghaòotkacha (Nizam's dominion) Cave Inscr. of the minister of Vàkàòaka king Devasena.

(Bh. No. 1711) Buhler, ASWI. Vol. IV, XIII pp. 138-40 & Pl. LX; V.V. Mirashi, HAS. XVI (1952); ; CII, V, No. 26.
Altekar & Majumdar assign this inscr. to Harisheía, son of Devasena. See Vàkàòaka-Gupta Age, List of Vàkàtaka inscrs., p. 477, No. 4.
Mi. read on each stk. any verse, metre: v.1-2 - Upajàti, v. 3 - Indravajrà, v. 4-12 - Upajàti, v. 13 - Àryà, v. 14-15 - Puøpitàgrà, 16 - Vasantatilakà, v.17 - Puøpitàgrà, v. 18 - Vasantatilakà.
The portion of this inscription (pl. lx) which has been preserved gives the pedigree of Hastibhoja, who, according to v. 10 of this inscription and v. 12 of Ajaíòà inscription No. 3, was the minister of the Vàkàòaka king Devasena. He belonged to the Vallóras, apparently a subdivision of the Malabàr Bràhmaías. His ancestors were:- 1. Yajãa[pati]; 2. Deva; 3. Soma; 4. Ravi, son of a Køatriyà wife and ruler of Malaya or Malabàr; 5. Pravara; 6. Ùrè-Ràma; 7. Kèrti. The wording of v. 5 makes it probable that Deva also held the office of prime minister- it is not stated where. The obliterated portion of the document, doubtless, contained an account of Hastibhoja's descendants, among whom must have been the donor of the Gulwàäà cave. (ASWI)

TEXT. (Based on ASWI reading)

[1.] Munir munènàm amaromaràíà[ì]-gurur-guróíàì pravaro varàíà[ì |] jayaty-anàbhogavibuddhabuddhir-Bbuddhàbhidh[àno] ni[dhi]r-adbhutànà[ì ||1]
[2.] dharmmas-tato dharmmavidà praíètas-tathà [ga]íaù-chàgryatamo gaíànà[ì |] bhavanti yasmin-nihità[õ] supàtre-kàràpakàràstanayà py[u]dàràõ [||2]
[3.] asti prakàùo diùi dakøiíasyà[ì]-Vallóranàmnàì dvijasattamànàì[|] à brahmaías-sa[ì]bhðtapuíyakèrttirttir-vaìùo mahèyàn- mahito mahadbhiõ [||3]
[4.] tasminn-abhód-àha[ta]lakøaíànàì-dvijanmanà[ì] [prà]thamakalpikànàì [|] bhðgvatrigarggà[êgi]ra[sàì] samàno-dvijarøabho Yajãa[patiÛ  ] prakàùaõ [||4]
[5.] tadàtmajo Deva ivàsa Devax-kðitè gðhè . nayavàn kriyàvàn [|] saràjaka[ì] ràøòram-upetya yas[min-dha]rmyàx kriyà [nà]tha iva prachakkre [||5]
[6.] Somas-tata[õ Soma ivà]parobhó[t-sa]bràhmaíakøatriyavaìùajàsu [|] [ùru]tismðtibhyàì vihità[rtha]kàrè-dvayè[øu] bhàryyàsu ma[n]o dadhàra [||6]
[7.] sa køatriyàyà[ì] kulaùèlavatyàm-utpàdayàmàsa narendrachihnaì [|] sutaì surópaì Ravinàmadheyaì-kðtàdhi[patyaì] Malaye samagre [||7]
[8.] dvijàsu chànyàsu sutàn-udàràn-sa[ma]stavedeøu samàptakàmà[n |] Vall[ó]ranàmà diùi dakøiíasyàm-adyàpi yeøàm-vasati[r-dvijànàì ||8]
[9.] Raves-sutobhót-Pravaràbhidhàna[õ]-[Ùrè-Rà]manàmàtha babhóva tasmàt [|] tadàtmajax Kèrttir-abhót-sukèrttir-bbàbhóva ta[smàd]-atha [Hastibhojaõ ||9]
[10.] [Và]kàòake ràjati Devasene-guíai[øikoùo]-bhuvi [Ha]stibhojaõ [|*] adyàpi . tasyàbhimana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [||10]|
[11.] dhèreøu dhèmatsu sahotthiteøu. . . . . . . . guíànviteøu [ ]. . . [yaì] nðpaterya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [||11]
[12.] yasyàsanàrddha[ì] surasà . . . . . . . . . .
[13.] atha devaràjasya++ [?]
[14.] ùasèkaradhavala[?]
[15.] atha guía[?] . . . . . . .
[16.J tasyàtmajeøu . . . . . .
[17.] phale [makhilamila ?] . . . . .
[18.] samyagvibhàvè . . . . .

L. 1. Mi. read: munènàm-aromaràíàì.
L. 2. Either -nayàÛ   pyudàràõ or 'nayà hyudàràõ to be read (ASWI). Mi. read: gaíaù-càryatamo; hyudàràõ.
L 3. Read -puíyakèrttir(ASWI).
L. 4. The conjecture yajãapatiõ is probable, because the metre requires ß ÿ ÿ ß and only one name, yajãadharaõ, besides yajãapatiõ fulfils this condition, but is little used (ASWI). Mi. read: -àhitalakøaíànàì-; bhðgv-atri-gargg-àêgara[sàì].
L. 5. P. Bhagwànlàl's conjecture, gðihastho, fits the metre, but is impossible, as the è in gðihè is quite plain(ASWI). Mi. read: gðhè[tè]; kriyàÛ  [pà]rtha.
L. 7. Mi. read: vi[øa]yå instead Malaye.
L. 8. Read vallóranàmnàì (ASWI). Mi. read: -sa [pràpa*]vedeøu-.
L. 9. Mi. read: tasyàtmajax; -babhóva-.
L. 10. Mi. read: guíaiÛ  prakàùo bhuvi; adyàpi yasyàbhijanapra[dà]na. . . .
L. 11. Mi. read: sahotthiteøu kðtya[pra]mà[íåøu] guíànviteøu [ ]. . . nðpateryadå .
L. 12. Mi. read: -àrddhaì[pu]ruøà . . . . . . màtsaìsadi . . .
L. 13 Pandit Bhagwànlàl takes Devaràja to be a proper name, and conjectures that he was the minister of the Aùmaka king mentioned in Ajaíòà Inscription No. 6. v. 12, and if so, the great grandson of Hastibhoja, and grandson of Varàhadeva (Ajaíòà Ins., No. 3, v. 30); but I see no ground for these combinations. (ASWI). Mi. read: atha devaràjasónurhariøåíî. . . . .hastibhîja . . .
L. 14. Mi. read: ùasikaradhavalàì ni[rè]køya kè[rtiì]. . . .
L. 15. Mi. read: atha guíaùatasaìbhðtàtmabhótaõ priyatana[yî*]. . .
L. 16. Mi. read: tasyàtmajeøu bahuøu. . . .
L. 17. Mi. read: phalamakhila . . . . .
L. 18. Mi. read: samyag-vibhàvita ihàsti varàha[dåvaõ*] . . . . . (ASWI) - The readings in lines 13, 14, and 17 are very doubtful, especially as the apparent readings do not fit the metre, which is Upajàti throughout the inscription.