No. 1. Guíapadåya (Kondakur taluk, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, now British Museum) copper-plate inscription. Prakrit and Sanskrit.
1876 noticed by Fleet, IA V, p. 175 f.; 1880 Fleet, IA IX, p. 100 ff., and Plate; 1888 corr. by Buôhler, EI I, p. 2, note 2; 1900 corr. by Hultzsch, EI VI, p. 88, note 10; 1902 corr. by Senart, EI VII, p. 67; 69; 1905 Hultzsch, EI VIII, p. 143 f., and Plate; Luders list No 1327; IA, IX, 100ff (Fleet); SI, 443-5; Ibid., (second ed.), 467-9; TPC (Tamil), 372-4; Mahalingam, No. 4; |
Lu: - Order of Chàrudåvè, the queen (dåvè) of the yuvamahàràja, the
Bhàraddàya (Bhàradvàja), Siri-Vijayabuddhavamma (Ùrè-Vijaya-buddhavarman) of the
Pallavas, and mother of Buddhi[yaì]kura (Buddhyaê-kura), to the official (? vèya[pata])
at Ka[äaka] (? Kataka), concerning the gift of a field (chhetta) below Ràjatalàka (or
the King's tank ?) to be ploughed by Àtuka to the holy (bhagavat) Nàràyaía of the
Kóëi-Mahàtaraka temple (dåvakula) at Dàlóra. The village authorities (gàmeyika
àyutta) were to exempt the field with all immunities. The àíatti was Rîhaíiaùvà
(Rîhiíyaùvà). - Siri-Vijayakhandava[m]ma-mahàràjassa saìvvachchharà . . . . |
First plate.
1. sirivijaya khandava[mma]mahàràjassa saìvaccha(cha?)rà* [|*]
2. yuvamahàràjasya bhàraddàyassa pa[llavà]-
3. íaì sirivijayabuddhavammassa devè**
4. kurajanavè[càru]devè kà(?) *vèya*
Second plate, first side
5. ràjatalàkahe[òve] pàíiya-[kó*]-
6. pàduttare pàse[à]tukassa kasita[vvaì*]
7. chettaì dàlóre kólimahàtarakadevakulassa
Second plate, second side
8. bhagavannàràyaíassa amhaì àyubalavaddhanè-
9. yaì kàtóna bhómè nivattaíà cattàrè 4 amhehiì
10. sampadattà[|*]ttaì nàtóía gàmeyikà àyuttà
11. savva[pa]rihàrehi pariharatha pariharàpetha [|*]
Third plate.
12. bahubhirvva[su]dhà dattà bahubhiùca[ànupà]lità[|*]
13. yasya yasya yadà bhómi tasya [tasya] tadà phalam [||*] 1.
14. svadattà(x*)paradatta[à] và ye haratti vasóndharàm [|*]
15. gavàì ùatasahasrasya hantuõ pibati duøkðtam [||*] 2.
16. àíatti rohaía[è]guttàtti ||
Siddham in the left margin of the plate. (Mah)
L. 1. The figure of the date is totally lost. (Mah)
L. 3. Hultzsch read this as: [bu]ddhi[yaì]kuru-janavè.
L. 4. Hultzsch read this as: kra[äake]vèya[àpataì]; Sircar suggest the reading
kàìciye viyàpataì.
L. 13. Read bhómistasya. TNS reads: bhómiõ tasya. (Mah)
L. 14. Read yo harati (or hareta) vasu. TNS reads: sarati or harati. (Mah)
L. 16. Reading guttà is doubtfull. Ttà looks like tvà. TNS reads: gutteti. (Mah)