No. 1. Jagayyapåòa Buddhist pillar inscription. Prakrit.
1882 Bh. Indraji, Notes Amar. Stópa, p. 55 f., No. 3; 1882 Buôhler, IA XI, p. 259, No. 3; 1887 Burgess-Buôhler, Arch. Surv. South. Ind. Vol. I. p. 110 f., No. 3, and Plate LXIII; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 601; Luders list No 1202; |
Lu: - Gift of five entrance pillars (àyakakhaìbha) at the eastern door
(dàra) of the Great Chaitya (mahàchåtiya) of the holy (bhagavat) Budha (Buddha) in the
village (gàma) of Velagiri, by the artisan (àvåsani) Sidhatha (Siddhàrtha), residing
in the village (gàma) of Mahàkàìäuróra, the son of the artisan (àvå[sa*]ni)
Nàkachaìda (Nàgachandra) residing in Naäatóra (or Toäatóra ?) in the district
(raòha) of Kaìmàka, together with his mother Nàgilanè (Nàgilà), his wife Samudanè
(Samudrà), his son Mólasiri (Mólaùrè), his daughter Nàkabudhanikà (Nàgabuddhà),
his brother Budhinaka (Buddhi) and the wife of the same Kanikà (Kðiøíà) and their
sons Nàgasiri (Nàgaùrè) and Chaìdasiri (Chandraùrè) and their daughter
Sidhathanikà (Siddhàrthà). - raãî Màähariputasa Ikhàkunaì Sirivira-Purisadatasa saìvachhara 20 vàsà-pakhaì 8 divasaì 10 |