No. 1. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Cave No. 2. Mixed dialect. Buôhler - letters of Western type of IV-V A.D.

The inscription is in the right corner of the cave no. 2 behind the large stupa. It is partly on the left and partly beneath the standing figure of the Buddha bowed by nine persons near his feet in 'L' shape. The inscription is of six short and one long line. The middle portion of the inscription is completely damaged. West has noted that the inscription has been injured by a metal scraper used by some former copyist employed for cleaning out the letters. The inscription records five names in Sanskrit nominatives and ends with four Prakrit names. It measures : 40 cm. x 15 cm. Length of the last line - 35 cm. letters 6 cm, x 5 cm. Characters ; Bràhmè, 6th century A.D. Language ; Prakrit. Orthography ; Initial i is shown by four dots. (ShG).
1847 Bird, Hist. Res. Plate XL, 2; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 3, No. 1, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 74, No. 1, and Plate LI; Luders list 984; ShG. No.1
Lu: -The physician (vaidya) Naíía. Ràía (?). Bhàskara. Bhàravi. Chelladåva. Boppaè (Vîpadåva). Bhaòòa Khasu.


1. Naíía Vaidya
2. Bhànu
3. Bhàskaraõ
4. Bhàraviõ
5. Chelladeva
6. Boppai
7. Bhaòòa Vesu Suvai Po
8. hoi

L.1 Read Naííavaidya i.e. physician Naíía. His dating - IV-V A.D. (ASWI)
L.2 Read ràío (ASWI)
L.6 Read BoppaÑô (Vopadeva) (ASWI)
L.7. Read Vesu Suvai as Khasu avvaÑô (ASWI)