No. 3. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. ASWI - language Pali, letters Andhra type, date about or shortly after Pulumavi.
The inscription is in cave No. 2 near a small tank. It measures 90 cm. x 25
cm. Letters 6 cm. x 5 cm. Characfers: Bràhmè, 2nd century A.D.; Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letter 'ya' in the second line is engraved in a small size and it is slightly damaged (ShG.). |
1847 Bird, Hist. Res. Plate XL, 3; 1853 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 15, No. 1, and Plate, No. 1; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 3, No. 3, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 75, No. 3, and Plate li; Luders list 986; ShG. No.3 |
Lu: -A cistem (paniyaka), the gift of the goldsmith (suvaíakî(kà)ra) Samidata (Svàmidatta) of Kaliyana (Kalyàía) together with the Order (sagha). |
1. Kaliyaía(íà) suvaíako(kà)rasa Sàmida-
2. tasa saha sagha(ghe)na paniyaka deyadhaìma
1. Buôhler has put the letter 'ya' in paniyaka into bracket but the letter 'ya' is quite
visible in the inscription. (ShG)