No. 18. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription of the time of ràjan M[à*]ähariputa svàmi-Sakasåna. Prakrit.
The inscription is on the right-hand side wall outside the Verandah of Cave No. 74. It is cut on a somewhat honey-combed surface. It measures 1.17 m. x 89 cm. Letters 6 cm. x 5 cm. Characters: Bràhmè, 3rd Century AD. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letters are having elongated forms. (ShG) |
1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 6 f., No. 19, and Plate; 1877 Bhagvanlal Indraji, JBBRAS XII, p. 407 f., and Plate; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji, Inscr. Cave-Templ. W. Ind. p. 60 f.; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 79, No. 14, and Plate LI; 1895 note by Bhandarkar, Early History of the Dekkan, p. 20, note 1; 1908 note by Rapson, Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty, etc. p. XLVII, No. 5; Luders list 1001; ShG No 41; |
Lu: -raãî Maähariputasa svàmi-Sakasånasa savachharå 8 gi pa 5 diva 10
åtàya puvàya -Establiøment of a cave (låía) by the merchant (någama) and house-holder (gahapati) . . . .ti, son of the merchant (nåkama) Veíhunaìdi (Viøíunandin), the Kaliyaíaka (inhabitant of Kalyàía) together with the venerable (àyyaka) . . . . . . . . , with his father Veíhunadi (Viøíunandin), his mother Bîdhisamà, his brother . . . . hathi ( . . . . hastin), and all his relatives. Compare No. 1002 (No. 19). |
1. Sidhaì raão Ma(Mà)ähariputasa Svàmi Sakasenasa
2 savachhare 8 gimha pakhe diva 10 etàya puvàya Ka-
3. liyaíakasa nekamasa Veíhunaìdisa pótasa nega-
4. masa gahapatisa . . . tisa l[e]ía pa[ti]òhàpi-
5. ta sahà Àyyak[e]ía . sena sahà pitu[íà] Veíhuna-
6. dinà sahà màtuye Bodhisamàya sahà bhà-
7. [tunà . . . ] hathinà sahà [sa]vena [n]i[kàyeneti]
L. 2. gi pa (ASWI)