No. 30. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.
The inscription of three lines is on the back wall of the recess over the tank near Cave No. 98. The inscription is deeply cut, distinct but about five letters in the first line, three in the second, and two in the third peeled off. It measures 87 cm x 28.5 cm. Letters 8 cm. x 6 cm. Characters : Bràhmè, 200 A.D. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letters are deep and the conjunct letter 'nha' is prominently written in the word kaíhasele'. The vowel 'i' is shown by three strokes. The anusvara is marked in two different ways. In the word 'leíam ' it is on the side of the letter 'ía '. In the word 'deyadhaìam' it is on the top of the letter. (ShG) |
1847 Bird, Hist. Res. Plate XLVI, 21, 1853 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 29, No. 15, and Plate, No. 15; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 8, No. 32, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 84, No. 24; Luders list 1013; ShG No 54; |
Lu: - A cave (låía) and a cistern (pîähè) on Kaíhasåla (Kðiøíaùaila), the gift of the lady (bhîigè) Dàmilà, the A[pa]ràìtikà(?) (native of Aparànta), the [Kàli]anikà (inhabitant of Kalyàía). |
1. [Sidhaì Kali]aíikàya Bhoiôgiyà A-
2. [pa]ràìtikàya Dàmilàya leíaì
3. [po]ähi cha Kaíhasele deyadhaìam (svastika)