No. 33. Kanheri Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

The inscription is on the lefthand side-wall, outside the verandah of Cave No. 88. The upper portion of the inscription is defaced. It measures 1.8 m x 95 cm. Letters 6 cm x 5 cm. Characters: 2nd Century A.D. Language: Prakrit. Orthography: The letters are deeply cut. The medial i is written stylistically (L.3 Poähi), there is no distinction between 'ta' and 'na'. The letters are similar to those of the inscription of Nahapàna.(ShG)
1847 Bird, Hist. Res. Plate XLVI, 20; 1853 Stevenson, JBBRAS V, p. 31, No. 18, and Plate, No. 20; 1861 West, JBBRAS VI, p. 9, No. 35, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler, ASWI V, p. 84, No. 26; Luders list 1016; ShG No 51;
Lu: - Fragment. Gift of a cave (låía) and a water-cistern (pànèyapîähè) by the monk (pavajita) . . . . mitanaka ( . . . mitra), pupil (aìtåvàsin) of . . . pàla, to the congregation of the monks (bhikhusagha) of the four quarters. Also endowment.


1. . . . . . . . . . . . pàlà[íaì]-[aìtevà]sisa
2. . . . . . . íayasa . . . [M]itanakasa pavajitasa
3. . . . . leía . . . pànèya poähè cha
4. [de]yadhama-[chà]tudise bhikhusaghe pati-
5. òhàpitaì màtàpitaro udisa savasatàna
6. hitasukhaòha apaío cha nivàíàsa bhara-
7. òha etasa cha akhayanivi dinà

The inscription has recorded the word 'Nirvaíàøà '. It is the unique epigraphical evidence of the word 'Niravàíàøà'. This is the only inscription which records the wish of the donor for final liberation. (ShG)
ASWI read stk. 7 as the last part of stk.6