No. 3. Amaràvatè buddhist rail inscription. Prakrit.

1868 Fergusson-Cunningham, TSW1, p. 206, 239, No. 2, and Pl. LXXXIII, 1 and XCIX; 1873 Fergusson-Cunningham, TSW2, p. 225; 261, No. 2, and Pl. as before; Luders list No 1207;
Lu: - Gift of tablets of homage (? yaghàpaòa ?) to the Great Chaitya (mahàchåtiya) of Bhagavat, by Bîdhi and Nàgamulè (Nàgamólè) . . . . of the Pusiliyas (Puøyalèyas), for the benefit of their nephews, sons-in-law, grand-daughters and grandsons.