No. 5. Amaràvatè buddhist pillar inscription (now British Museum). Prakrit.

1868 Fergusson-Cunningham, TSW1, p. 168; 239, No. 4, and Pl. LIII, 2 and XCIX; 1873 Fergusson-Cunningham, TSW2, p. 186; 261, No. 4, and Pl. as before; Luders list No 1209;
Lu: - Gift of two foot-prints (patuka) by Sivaka (Ùivaka), the Seòhivàdicha (inhabitant of Ùråøòivàda), the son of the householder (gàhapati) Pusila (Puøyala), the Turulóraka (inhabitant of Turulóra), and by his wife Munurè, his son-in-law Vichita, his son-in-law Vichita (?), his son-in-law Mahadåva (Mahàdåva), his daughter Budhà (Buddhà), his daughter Chadapusà (Chandra-puøyà), and his daughter Chamà (Køamà).