No. 1. Karle Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. Chaitya cave, left end of the verandah. (Sen.)
1834 Stevenson, JBAS III, p. 498, No. A, with facsimile; 1847 Bird-Smyttan, Hist. Res. p. 60, No. 22, and Plate XXXVI, 3; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 152 f., No. 2, and Plate; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 28, No. 1, and Plate, with corr. by Buôhler; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 90, No. 7.1, and Plate XLVII; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 593; 1902 Senart, EI VII, p. 48 f., No. 1, and Plate III; Luders list No 1087 |
Lu: -Establiøment of a cave-dwelling (sålaghara), the most excellent one in Ja[ì]budipa (Jambódvèpa), by the banker (seòhin) Bhutapàla (Bhótapàla) from Véåjayaìtè (Vaijayantè). |
Vejayaìtito seòhiíà Bhutapàlenà selagharaì pariniòhapitaì Jabudipamhi utama [||]
Seòh Bhótapàla from Vejayantè has established a rock-mansion the most excellent in
Jambudvèpa (India). (ASWI)
Sen. has selaghara, Ja[ì]budipamhi and ótama[ì]