No. 6. Karle Buddhist pillar inscription. Prakrit. Caitya cave. On the verandah in front of the central door. (Sen.)
1854 mentioned by Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 158, No. 17, and Plate; 1881 Bhagvanlal Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI, p. 30, No. 6, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 90, No. 7.6, and Plate XLVII; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 593; 1902 Senart, EI VII, p. 53, No. 6, and Plate IV; Luders list No 1092; |
Lu: -Fragment. Making of the door (mugha) of the cave (ghara) by the carpenter (vaähaki) Sàmi (Svàmin), the son of Våíuvàsa, a Dhånukàkaòaka (inhabitant of Dhånukàkaòa). |
1. Dheíukàkaòeía va[äha]kinà Sàmi[le]-
2. ía Veíuvàsaputeía gharasa
3. mughaì kataì dàre mu . . dhuka [ || ]
L. 1. Sen. has Sàmi-
L. 2. Sen. has Veíuvàsa-pu . . . ía gharasa
L. 3. Sen. has mugha kata durem . . dhu . . .
Sàmila [Ùyàmila], son of Veíuvàsa, a carpenter, a native of Dheíukàkaòa, made the
doorway; on the door . (ASWI)