No. 10. Amaràvatè buddhist sculpture inscription. Prakrit.
1837 mentioned by Cunningham-Prinsep, JBAS VI, p. 218, and Pl. X; 1854 Cunningham, Bhilsa Topes, Plate IX; 1868 Cunningham, TSW1, p. 239, No. 9, and Pl. XCIX; 1873 Cunningham, TSW2, p. 261. No. 9, and Pl. as before; Luders list No 1214; |
Lu: - Gift of a pillar for lamps (divatha[bha]) at the southern entrance (àyaka) to the Great Chaitya (mahàchådiya) by the merchant (? vàniya ?) Budhi (Buddhi), son of the merchant (vàniya) Kaíha (Kðiøía), . . . . . together with his wife, his sons, his daughters, his grandsons, his relatives, friends and connections. There is no mentioning of mahàràja Yaãasiri Sàdakaíi. |