No. 20. Kuda Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.
1878 Jacobi, IA VII, p. 256, No. 8; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 17, No. 23, and Plate; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 87, No. 4.20, and Plate XLVI; 1895 corr. by Pischel, Nachr. Goôtt. Ges. Wiss. Phil. Hist. Kl. 1895, p. 212; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 592; Luders list No 1058; |
Lu: - Gift of a chaitya building (chåtiyaghara) and a cell (uyaraka) by the Adhagachhaka (Àrdhagachchhaka) Ràmadata (Ràmadatta), the son of Ahila, and of a cell (uyaraka) by his wife Velèdatà (Vållidattà), while the Maìdava (Màndava) Kochhiputa (the son of a Kautsè) Velèdata (Vållidatta) was mahàbhîja. |
Mahàbhoje Maìdave Kochhipute Velidate Ahilasa putasa Adhagachhakasa Ràmadatasa
deyadhama chetiyagharo uyarako cha bhayàva Velèdatàva deyadhaìmaì uyarako [ || ]
The meritorious gift of a Chåtiyaghara and cell by Ràmadata the Adhagachhaka, the son of
Ahila, when Velidata, son of the Kochhè (or Kautsè mother), was Mahàbhoja Mandava; and
by his wife, Velèdatà, the meritorious gift of a cell. (ASWI)
Adhagachhaka, Sans. Ardhagachhaka, is the name of a religious sect or division. (ASWI)
"Ahila" is perhaps a diminutive from the Sanskrit ahi, "snake," and
equivalent to "Sapila" (Sarpila) in No. 6. (ASWI)