No. 14. Amarąvatč buddhist pillar inscription (now British Museum). Prakrit.
1868 Fergusson-Cunningham, TSW1, p. 178; 240, No. 13, and Pl. LXI, and XCIX; 1873 Fergusson-Cunningham, TSW2, p. 196; 62, No. 13, and Pl. as before; 1887 Burgess, ASSI I, 38, with facsimile, and Pl. LXI, No. 56; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 601; Luders list No 1218; |
Lu: - Gift of Saghą (Saģghą), Saghadąsč (Saģghadąsč), and Kumaėą, the wives of Līķavalavaka, Sagharakhita (Saģgharakųita), and Mariti. |