No. 19. Amaràvatè buddhist sculpture inscription. Prakrit.
1868 Cunningham, TSW1, p. 240, No. 18, and Pl. LXXXVII, 5 and XCIX; 1873 Cunningham, TSW2, p. 262, No. 18, and Pl. as before; 1883 Hultzsch, ZDMG XXXVII, p. 561, No. 46; Luders list No 1223; |
Lu: - Gift of a lion-seat (sihaòhàna) by the two, the elder (thåra), the Chaitya worshipper (Chåtiyavaìdaka) bhayaìta (bhadanta) Budhi (Buddhi) and his sister, the nun (bhikhunè) Budhà (Buddhà). Compare No. 1263 (No. 59). |