No. 21. Amaràvatè buddhist rail inscription (now British Museum). Prakrit.

1868 Fergusson-Cunningham, TSW1, p. 206; 240, No. 20, and Pl. LXXV, LXXXII, 1 and XCIX; 1873 Fergusson-Cunningham, TSW2, p. 224; 262, No. 20, and Pl. as before; Luders list No 1225;
Lu: - Fragment. Gift of two Chaitya slabs (chåtiyapaòa), three footprints (pàtuka), a coping-stone (uìnisa), a slab with a flower vase (? pupha-ganiyapaòa ?) and other objects to the Great Chaitya (mahàchåtiya) at Dhaìãakaòa (Dhànyakaòa), and erection of some object at (?) the Great Chaitya (mahachåtiya) at Ràjagiri at the northern door (dara) by some person together with his relatives.