No. 26. Amarāvatč buddhist pillar inscription. Prakrit.

1882 Burgess, Notes Amar. Stópa, p. 8, No.8, and Plate II, No. 2; 1882 Hultzsch, Notes Amar. Stópa, p. 52 f., No.8; 1883 Hultzsch, ZDMG XXXVII, p. 550 f., No. 5; 1886 corr. by Hultzsch, ZDMG XL, p. 344, No. 5; 1887 Burgess-Hultzsch. ASSI I, p. 105, and Pl. LX, No. 49; Luders list No 1230;
Lu: - Fragment. Records after an invocation of [Bha]gavat, the gift of a hall for practising religious exercises (padhānamaäava) to the Order (sagha) by the perfumer (gadhika), the merchant (vāniya) Siridata (Ųrčdatta), son of the merchant (vāniya) Dhaėmila (Dharmila). . . of the pupil (? sisiha) of the teacher (acha[riya]) Sāripu[tā] (Ųāriputra), the Mahavanasaliya (who lives in Mahāvanaųālā ?).