No. 44. Amaràvatè buddhist stone inscription. Prakrit.
1882 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, Notes Amar. Stópa, p. 26 f., No. 121, and Pl. IV, No.11; 1883 Hultzsch, ZDMG XXXVII, p. 549 f., No. 1; 1887 Burgess-Hultzsch, ASSI I, p.100, and Pl. LVI, No. 1; 1895 note by Pischel, Nachr. Goôtt. Ges. Wiss. Phil. Hist. Kl. 1895, p. 212; Luders list No 1248; |
Lu: - Fragment. Gift of a wheel of the Law (dhamachaka) at the western gate
(dàra) to the Great Chaitya (mahàchåtiya) of [Bhagava]t by the house-holder (gahapati)
Kahótara and Isila (Ðiøila), the son of the householder (gahapati) Puri, of the
Piìäasutariyas, together with [Isila's] wife Nàkànikà (Nàgà) and other relatives,
as the special property of the school (nikàya) of the Chåtikiyas (Chaityakèyas). - raãî V[àsi]òh[i]puta[sa] s[à]m[i]-Siri-Pulumàvisa savachhara . . . . |