No. 48. Amarąvatč buddhist coping-stone inscription. Prakrit.
1882 Burgess, Notes Amar. Stópa, p. 32, No. 151; 1887 Burgess-Hultzsch, ASSI 1, p. 55, and Pl. XXI, 2 and LVI, No. 13, a, b; 1896 corr. by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 600; Luders list No 1252; |
Lu: - Fragment. [Gift] of the lay-worshipper (upąsiką) Kamą (Kąmyą), daughter of the housewife Kaķhą (Kšiųķą), daughter of the householder (gahapati) Ida (Indra), together with her relatives, and of the nun (bhikhunč) Nągamitą (Nągamitrą). |