No. 51. Amarąvatč buddhist coping-stone inscription. Prakrit.

1882 Burgess-Hultzsch, Notes Amar. Stópa, p. 35 f., No. 175, and Pl. IV, N. 16; 1883 Hultzsch, ZDMG XXXVII, p. 556, No. 26; 1887 Burgess-Hultzsch, ASSI I, p. 104 f., and Plate LX, No. 44; Luders list No 1255;
Lu: - Fragment. Erection of a gate (dąra) at the southern side by the house-holder (gaha[pati]) . . . . . . , son of the householder (gahapati) Sulasa, [together with] . . . . . Nągatą (Nągattą) and his son Sulasa, with his daughter . . . . . . . .