first inscriptionindex Kadamba kings

Main page
Materials usefull for research.

Genealogy and chronology of Early Kadambas (table from G.S.Gai publication).
"Texts of Political tradition and Early Kadamba inscriptions" (Russian and English text)


GaiK = Gai G.S. Inscriptions of the Kadambas. Delhi, 1996.
Gai = Gai G.S.
Bu = G. Buhler
JESI = Journal of the Epigraphical Society of India
JBBRAS = Journal of Bombay Branch of Royal Asiatic Society
IA = Indian Antiquary
EI = Epigraphia Indica
Go = Gopal B.R. Corpus of Kadamba Inscriptions. Mysore, 1985
CPI = Copper plate inscriptions from Karnataka. M.S. Nagaraja Rao and K.V. Ramesh, Mysore, 1997
EC = Epigraphia Carnatica
Lu = Luders' list
MyAR = Mysore Archaeological Report.
KSPP = Kannaäa Sàhitya Pariøat-Patrike (Kannaäa)
KiF. = Kielhorn
SI = D.Ch.Sircar Selected Inscriptions