37. Plates of the lord of Chèkóra: the 6th year.
EI. V. XIII. No. 6. (T. A. Gopinatha Rao)




The set of copper-plates on which the subjoined inscription is engraved was secured for me for examination from a friend of his by Mr. J. M. Nallasàmi Pillai, B.A., H.L., District Munsiff, Rajahmandry. Regarding these plates and of the site where they were discovered he writes as follows :-'The exact circumstances under which the copper-plates were found are not known. It is said that they were ploughed up a few years ago near the village of Ùarabhavaram some 20 miles north-west of Rajahmandry and 10 miles from the bank of the Gîdàvarè. Near the place where the plates were found there appear to be the remains of several brick stópas of fair size, and about 6 or 7 miles from it towards the Gîdavarè are more stópas on a hill overlooking a lake known as Nallakîòa Ava, while on the Ràmdurgam, a lofty hill that dominates the country, are the extensive remains of buildings which seem to have formed part of a monastery."
The set consists of three plates, measuring 6'' by 2" and of 1/16" thickness. It is a circular ring sealed with a lump of copper in a crude manner, and on this is struck with a die the emblem of the dynasty to which the grantor of the deed belonged; The language of the record is Sanskrit prose. The alphabet closely resembles that of the early Kadamba plates. The inscription belongs to the reign of a king whose name and dynasty are not mentioned. He is simply described as the lord of Chèkóra-viøaya.


First Plate.

1 îì svasti ùrèvijayacèkórapuràt-naya-vinaya-sampanno-
2 ¸neka-saêgràm-a[à*]bhimukha-prahàra-labdha-vijaya-pratiøòhaõ sarvva-vidyà-
3 ddhyaya[na]-vidhi-viùàradaõ dilèpa-bhagèratha-vaiíya-yayàti-rà-
4 m-àmbarèøàdibhir=àdi-køatriyair=àsevità-ddharmma-ma[à*]rggàd=apracyyuta

Second Plate; First tide.

5 àhav-àbhimu[khàõ]-yàt-àneka-ghoòa-kamàri-va[dà]nyaõ ùórî dakøa[õ*] kð-
6 ta[jãî] vi(saì)dhyî bhagavatas-tridaùagurrîr=mmahåùvarasya caraía-dvay-àrà-
7 dhana-par[î] mahåùvarasya prasàd-àvàpta-paralîka-
8 pratiøòhaõ nirjjit-àùåø[à]ràti-vargga[õ*] cikóra-viøay-à-
9 dhipati[õ*] parama-brahmaíya[õ*] pulakagràmyàn=ayukta-

Second Plate; Second side.

10 kàù=c-aivam=àjãàpayaty¸sti asmàbhi[õ*] puíyàyu-
11 r-yyaùîbhivðddhayå våda-dv(à)yàddhyayana-kuùalà-
12 ya yajãa-vadyàdidå vàjasanayisya-karmm-ànuøòhà-
13 na-paràya hàrètasagîtr[à*]ya hariùarmmaíå

Third Plate; First side,

14 sarvvakarîõ parihðtya pulîkagràmî datta[õ*] |(||) nudavabuddhya ta-
15 ê-gràmam=asau bràhmaíaõ putra-pautr-ànukramåí-îøa(pa)bhuãjànî
16 na kaiùci kiãcid=vaktavya[õ||*] àjã(à)pti[õ*] svamukham [||] sa 6 pîøu di
17 10 [||*] bhavanti càtra ùlîkà[õ ||*] bahubhirvvasudhà dattà bahubhiùcànupàli[tà]

Third Plate; Second side.

18 yasya yasya yad[à*] bhómi tasya tasya tadà pala [||*] svadattàm=para-
19 dàttà và yattàdrakøa yudhiøòhira [|*] mahim=mahimantrà ùråøòha
20 dànàc-chråyî¸nupàla[naì] [||*] øaøòhi varøa-sahasràíi sargge
21 mîdati bhómidaõ[|*] a[à*]køåpt[à*] c-ànumantà ca tàny-åva narakå
22 [va*]set[||*]