Main page
Collapse Orissa inscriptions, part 1
Expand 1. Ùatrudamana
Expand 2. Viùàkhavarmman
Expand 3-11. Pitðbhaktas
Expand 12-15. Màòharas
Expand 16-17. Vàsiøòhas
Expand 18-19. Kaùyapas
Expand 20. Stambheùvarèpàdabhaktas
Expand 21-24. Nalas
Expand 25-26. Vigrahas
Expand 27-29. Maudgalas
Expand 30-36. Dattas
Collapse 37. Ùarabhavaram
plates of the lord of Chèkóra: the 6th year
Expand 38-55. Ùarabhapuriyas
Expand 56-70. Vishnukundins