No. 4. Andhau stone inscription. The record consists of eight lines. The inscribed surface measures 1' 8" X 1' 10", and the average length of the letters is 1 1/4". The inscription records the erection of a funeral monument to the memory of Ðøabhadåva, son of Sèhila, of the Opaùati (Aupaùatika) gîtra, by his brother, Madana, son of Sèhila (BB).
B. D. Banerji in EI. XVI,5-B |
1 Ràjão Ch[à]øòanasa Ysàmîtika-
2 pu[tra]sa ràjão R[u]dradàmasa
3 Jayadàma-putrasa varøe dvi-pa[ì]-
4 [chà]ùe 50 2 Phaguía-bahulasa
5 dvitiyaì va 2 Ðøabhadevasa Sèhila-putrasa Opaùati-sa-gotrasa
7 bhràtr[à] Madanena [Sèhi]la-putrena
8 laøòi uthàpita
L. 2. This letter [tra] has suffered through flaking. (BB).
L. 3-4 The first syllable of ll. 3-4 has suffered badly through flaking. (BB).
L. 7-8 The middle of ll. 7-8 has almost disappeared. This damage appears to be due to the
use of this part of the stone for sharpening tools. (BB).