No. 1. Banavàsè (Sirsi t., North Kannara distr., Karnataka) stone inscription. Prakrit.
1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 100 f.; 1885 Buôhler, IA XIV, p. 331 ff., and Plate; 1889 corr. by Buôhler, EI I, p. 96; 1905 corr. by Fleet, JRAS 1905, p. 304 f., 1908 corr. by Rapson, CCAD p. LIII f., No. 25; Luders list No 1186; EI, XXXIV, 239-42 (Gai); |
Lu: - Gift of a nàga, a tank (taäàga) and a vihàra by the mahàbhuvè
(mahàbhîjè ?), the daughter of a mahàràja, whose son and progeny (?) was alive,
together with (?) the prince (sa-umà[rà]) Sada- or Sivakhadanàgasiri (Ùàta- or
Ùivaskandanàgaùrè). The minister (àmacha) Khadasàti (Skandasvàti) was the
superintendent of the work (kamaìtika). The nàga was made by Naòaka (? Nartaka), pupil
(sisa) of the teacher (àchariya) [I]damîraka (Indramayóraka), the Sajayataka
(inhabitant of Sàìjayantè). Compare No. 1021 (Kanheri No. 38). - raãî Hàritiputasa Viíhukaäa-Chuòukulànaìda-Sàtàkaìíisa vasasatàya savachharaì 10 2 håmaìtàna pakhî 7 divasa 1. |
1. Sidhaì Raão Hàriti-putasa Viíhukaäa-Chuòu-kul-àna[ì]da-Sàtà(ta)kaìíisa
vasa-satàya savacchraì 12 Hemaìtàna pakho 7 divasa 1 mahàbhuviya
mahàràja-bàli[kà]ya jivaputà[ya]
2. yuva[rà]ja [màtuya] S[iva]khaìdanàgasiriya deyadhaìma nàgo taäàgaì vihàro cha
(|*) etha kamatiko amacho Khadasàti [|*] Sajayatakasa achariyasa [I]-
3. [da]morakasa sisena Íaòakena nàgo kato (||)
From G.S.Gai Banavasi inscription of Vinhukada Satakanni, EI, XXXIV, 239-242.
L.1 Buhler read:Viíhukaäaduòu-kulànaìda-Sàtakaíisa vasa-satàya; pakha;
mahàbhóviya; jivaputa-.
L.2 Buhler read [bhà]jàya sa-kumà[ràya]; S[iva]khaìda-; deyadhaìma[ì]; Khadasàtisa
[|*] Jayaìtakasa achariyasa[putasa] 3. Damorakasa sisena Íaòakena nàgo kato (||) and
the last two phrases as "with respect to these (gifts) the minister
Khadasàti(Skandasvàti) was the superintendant of the work. The Nàga has been made by
Íaòaka (Nartaka) the pupil of Àchàrya [I]damoraka (Indramayóra) of the town of
Saìjayanti". Rapson (Cat. of Ind. coins) associate Ùivaskandaùrè with prince and
read Vinhuka-äuòu-kulànanda-Satakani. He associate Ùiva-Skandanagaùrè with
Skandanagaùàtaka from Kanheri inscription (ASWI, V.86) and Ùivaskandavarman from
Malavalli. Sircar (Succ. of Satavahanas) followed after Rapson but doubted if Banavasi =