No. 7 Andhau stone inscription.
D. R. Bhandarkar, in PRAS, WC., 1905-06, p. 35, 1914-15. p. 8, 1910 D. R. Bhandarkar, JBBRAS XXIII, p. 68; A.R. Ep., 1963-64, No. B 108; M. J. M. Nanavati and H. G. Sastri (Journal of the Oriental Institute, M. S. University, Baroda, Vol. XI, pp. 237-38, and Plate; P. R. Srinivasan, EI, XXXVII, No. 24 (see information from P.R. Srinivasan publ.); |
1 Ràjião Mahàkøatrapasa
2 Yasàmotikka-putrasa s[và]mi-Chà[øòa]-
3 nasa putrasa ràjão svàmi-Ja[yadà]masa putrasa
4 ràjão svàmi-Rudradàmasa [varøe 50] 3 Ùràvaíasa
5 ba 5 A[patha]kasa Ùatruìsaha-pu-
6 traya ùràmaíera[sa]. .[gî]trasa putre-
7 ía Dhanadevena yaòhi [a]dhisthàpità [||*]
From impressions.
L. 2. A letter somewhat resembling ysà seems to have been originally engraved here but
subsequently erased owing probably to the fact that the engraving was attempted on an
already peeled off surface. The doubling of k is peculiar to this inscription and to the
only copper coin known of the time of Chaøòana (see, Rapson, op. cit., p. 75, No. 264).
cf. See, above, p. 139, note 4.
L. 4. Between ía and sa, some gap exists, due to the fact that the surface there was not
even for engraving the letter sa.