No. 6. Andhau stone inscription. This inscription consists of four lines in a very imperfect state of preservation. The second halves of the first two lines have disappeared almost entirely, stray syllables being legible in places. A portion of the stone at the bottom of the inscription has also broken away, carrying away the lower part of the subscript ra of ùrà and the lower half of ra in re of ùràmaíerena. The object of the inscription is to record the erection of a funeral monument to the memory of one Ðøabhadåva by his father Treøòadata, a Buddhist monk, in the year 52. It measures 3'5" x 1'2". (BB).
B. D. Banerji in EI. XVI, 5-D; |
1 Ràjão Chàøòanasa Ysàmotika-pu[trasa] r[à]j[ão] Ru[dradàmasa] Jayadàma-
2 putra[sa] varøe 50 2 Phagu[na]-bahulasa dvitiyaì va 2
3 Ðøabhadevasa Treøòadata-putrasa Opaùati-gotrasa
4 pitr[à] Treøòadatena ùràmaí[e]rena laøòi uthàpita
L. 1. The à mark in Chàøòana is not horizontal as in inscriptions A and C, a similar a
mark is used in Ysà. (BB).
L. 4. The à mark is horizontal in ùrà; the presence of a base line in the 10th syllable
in l. 4 proves conclusively that syllables 8-12 of this line represent ùràmaíerena and
not Ùrè-Madanena, as read by Prof. D. R. Bhandarkar. A similar a mark is to be found in
thà (uthàpita). (BB).