No. 1. Bhaòòiprîlu Buddhist casket inscription. Prakrit. Incised on the
rim of the lower stone of the first casket.
1892 Buôhler, Academy, Vol. XLI. p. 522, No. 1=JRAS 1892, p. 608, No. 1; 1892 Buôhler, VOJ VI, p. 149, No. 1; 155, No.1 B; 1894 Buôhler, EI II, p. 326 f., No.1 B, and Pl.; 1908 Fleet, JRAS 1908, p. 101; 105; Luders list 1329; SI No94b |
Lu: - The casket (majusà) of Kura, the son of Banava, together with his parents. |
(B.) Banava-putaøa Kuraøa øapètukaøa majusa [||]
"By Kura, the son of Banava, associated with his father (has been given), the casket.