No. 2. Bhaòòiprîlu Buddhist casket inscription. Prakrit. Incised on the rim of the lower stone of the first casket.

1892 Buôhler, Academy, Vol. XLI. p. 522, No. 1=JRAS 1892, p. 608, No. 1; 1892 Buôhler, VOJ VI, p. 149, No. 1; 155, No. 1A; 1894 Buôhler, EI II, p. 326 f., No. 1 A, and Pl.; 1895 corr. by Pischel, Nachr. Goôtt. Ges. Wiss. Phil. Hist. Kl. 1895, p. 215; 1908 Fleet, JRAS 1908, p. 101 ff; Luders list 1330; SI No94a
Lu: - Gift of a quartz-casket (majusà) and a crystal box (øamuga) for relics of Budha (Buddha) by the father of Kura, the mother of Kura, and Kura.


(A.) Kura-pituno cha Kura-ma[t]u cha Kurasha Siva[øa] majusaì-paíati phàliga-øamughaì cha Buddha-sarirànaì nikhetu [||].
"By the father of Kura, the mother of Kura, Kura (himself) and Siva (Ùiva), (has been ordered) the preparation of a casket and (has been given) a box of crystal in order to deposit some relics of Budha (Buddha). (Bu)
Siva[øa] - looks like Sivaka (Bu)
SI. has øamugaì