No. 5. Bhaōōiprîlu Buddhist casket inscription. Prakrit. Incised on the top stone of the second casket, on the outer rim, to the right of the inscripton on the central disc. Possibly Kóbo is to be read.

1892 noticed by Buôhler, VOJ VI, p. 149, No. 5; 1894 Buôhler, EI II, p. 328, No. 5, and Plate; Luders list 1333; SI No. 95b
Lu: - Tbe ascetic of the committee (goōhisamaía) was Kuba (Kumbha). The treasurer (hiriíakāra) was Bóba, the son of the village-headman (gāmaíč).


1 Goōhi-samaío Kubo [|]
2 Hiraíakāra-gāmaíč-puto Bóbo [||]
"Kaba (Kumbha), the ascetic of the Committee (?)." 
"Bóba, the son of the village-headman Hiraíakāra (Hiraíyakāra)."  (Bu)