No. 7. Bhaòòiprîlu Buddhist casket inscription. Prakrit. Incised on the top stone of the second casket, on the rim of the lower stone of the second casket.
1892 Buôhler, Academy, Vol. XLI. p. 522, No. 6==JRAS 1892, p. 608, No. 6; 1892 Buôhler, VOJ VI, p. 149, No. 6; 155, No. 6; 1894. Buôhler, EI II, p. 328, No. 6, and Pl.; 1895 corr. by Pischel, Nachr. Goôtt. Ges. Wiss. Phil.- Hist. Kl. 1895, p. 215; Luders list 1335; SI No. 95d |
Lu: - This committee (goòhè) of tbe inhabitants of the hamlet (nigamaputa) (i.e. the committee mentioned in No. 1332) was headed by the king (ràjan) who was Khubiraka (Kubåraka), the son of Øà . . ; their gift was the casket (majusà), the crystal-box (øamuga) and the stone-box (øamuga). |
Øa-ga[òh]i-nigama-putànaì ràjapàmukhà [|] Øa . i[øa] puto Khubirako ràjà
Øèhagoòhiyà pàmukho [|] teøaì aìnaì maj[ó]ø[aì] phàliga-øamugo cha
pàsàía-øamugo cha [||].
"By the sons of the Øàgaòhi nigama (guild or town), chief among whom is the
king-king Khubiraka (Kuberaka), the son of Øa.-i, is the chief of the Øèha (Siìha)
Committee-by these (has been given) another casket, a box of crystal and a box of
stone." (Bu)
Read - pàmukhànaì. (Bu)
SI has Øàriraøa instead Øa . i[øa]