No. 11. Bhaòòiprîlu Buddhist casket inscription. Prakrit.

1894 mentioned by Rea, ASI New Imp. Ser. XV, p. 11, and Pl. V; 1894 Buôhler, EI II, p. 329, No. 10, and Pl.; Luders list 1339; SI.No 97
Lu: - Gift by the women from Naìdapura (?) and the novices (ùamaíudåùa) from Suvaíamàha (?), in the Aya-Sakasaòhè (? Àrya-Sakasaòhè ?) committee (? gîhi) of Gilàíakåra (? Glànakàrya ?).


1 Màtugàmasa [Naì]dapuràhi
2 Suvaíamàhà
3 Ùamaíudeùànaì cha
4 Gilàíakerasa ayasaka
5 [Sa]òhiya
6 gohiyà a-ga dànaì [||]
" An A-ga, gift by the women from Nandapura (?) and by the Ùràmaíeras from Suvaíamàha, in the Ayasakasaòhi gohi of Gilànakera (?)."  (Bu)

(Bu) Notes
The arramgerments of the lines of this inscription seems to be fixed, first by the cha after Ùamaíudeùànaì and secondly by dànaì. The latter word in all probability concludes the inscription and the former shows, that line 3 is preceded by something else. Nevertheless the exact meaning remains obscure, as the word immediately preceding dànaì is mutilated and those from gilàíakerasa down to gohiyà, though, plain enough, are for me at least, inexplicable with any certainty.
L.3. The cha has a tail, like in the other nine inscriptions.
L.4. There is also a short stroke to the left of the top of ra, and it is possible to read -keresa, which however would be perfectly inexplicable.
L.5. The left limb of sa is abnormal.
L.6. There is on the photograpli a letter between a and ga, which I am not able to make out. Possibly the word may have been àyàga. The da of dànaì opens to the right, just as in the other nine inscriptions.