No. 10. Bhaòòiprîlu Buddhist casket inscription. Prakrit. Incised on the rim of the lower stone of the third casket.
1892 Buôhler, Academy, Vol. XLI. p. 522, No. 9=JRAS 1892, p. 608 f., No. 9; 1892 Buôhler, VOJ VI, p. 149; 155 f., No. 9; 1894 Buôhler, EI II, p. 329, No. 9, and Pl.; Luders list 1338; SI No.96b |
Lu: - The casket (majósa) and the box (øamuga) of the committee (goòhè) of the Arahadinas (Arhaddattas). At that time Kubiraka (Kubåraka) was king (ràjan). |
Arahadinànaì goòhiyà majósa cha øa[m]ugo cha [|] tena kama yena Kubirako ràjà
aì[k]i [||]
"By the Committee of the venerable Arahadina (Arhaddatta, was given) a casket and a
box. The work (is) by him, by whom King Kubiraka (Kuberaka) caused the carving to be
done." (Bu)