No. 3. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.
1837 Sykes, JRAS IV, p. 289 No. 6, and Pl.; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 163 f.. Nos. 8 and 9, and Pl.; 1881 mentioned by Bh.Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p. 42, No. 3, and Pl.; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 93, No. 8.3, and Pl.XLVIII; Luders list No. 1152; |
Lu: - Fragment. Gift of a cave (låía) and a cistern (pîähè) by Patèbadhaka Giribhóti Sakhuyàru, son of Savagiriyàsa of the Apaguriyas, and endowment of these establishments and the nunnery (bhikhuni-upasaya) of the Dhaìmutariyas (Dharmîttarèyas) in the town (nakara). The inscription seems to mention also a nunnery of Sivapàl[i]tanikà (Ùivapàlità), wife of Giribhóti, in the town (nagara). Compare No. 1155 (No. 6). |
Apaguriyàna Savagiriyàsasa putasa Patèbadhakasa Giribhótisa sakhuyàrusa leía poähi
[de]yadhamaì etasa cha leíasa podhiya cha nakare cha bhikhuni upasayo[ya]sa
Dhaìmutariyàna akhaya nivi ka[kà]
[hà]panàni ...... eto loíasa chèvarikà kàhàpako[ía] sodasa poähiya chèva
.......... [e . mata]cha bisahasatà payogà torivaähi sahasavaäha dhaía . upayyasa
...... yo upasayo nagare giribhótisa bitiyikàyi[ya] Sivapà[li]tanikà[ya || ]
A cave and a cistern, the meritorious gift of Patèbadhaka Giribhóti Sakhuyàru, son of
Savagiriyàsa of the Apaguriyas; and for this cave and the cistern and the nunnery of the
Dhaìmutariyas in the town, a perpetual endowment of . . kàrøàpanas (has been given)
......... the nunnery of Sivapàlitanikà, wife of Giribhóti, in the town. (ASWI)
Apaguriya seems to be a clan or the name of the name of some district. Dhaìmutariyas
(i.e., Dharmottarèyas) are one of the ancient Bauddha schools founded in the third
century after the Nirvàía. The mutilated passages in lines 3 and 4 apparently contained
provisions regarding the distribution of the interest accruing from the endowment. I am
unable to explain the terms patèbadhaka and sakhuyàru. (ASWI)