No. 4. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. In the Chaitya cave in the scarp of Ůivaneri.

1837 Sykes, JRAS IV, p. 289, No. 7, and Pl.; 1887 Prinsep, JBAS VI, p. 1045, No. 3, and Pl. LIII; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 163, No. 7, and Pl. 1856 corr. by Stevenson, JBBRAS V, p. 428; 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mem. Buddh. Cav. Junn. p. 10, No. 12, and Pl.; 1876 Kern, Ind. Stud. Vol. XIV. p. 395, No. 12; 1877 noticed by Burgess. IA VI, p. 39, No. 12, and Pl.; 1877 Kern, Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 40, No. 12; 1881 Bh. Indraji- Burgess, ICTWI p. 42f., No. 4, and Pl.; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 93, No. 8.4, and Pl. XLIX; 1896 note by Franke, ZDMG L, p. 595; Luders list No. 1153;
Lu: - Gift of a chaitya building (chĺtiyaghara) by the pious hamlet (dhaěmani-gama) Včrasĺíaka (Včrasĺna), headed by the householders (gahapati).


Včraseíakasa gahapatipamughasa
dhaěmanigamasa deyadhaěmaě chetiyagharo
niyuto savalokahitasukhŕya [||]
The meritorious gift of Včraseíaka, a chief householder and upright merchant - a Chaityagđiha, dedicated for the welfare and happiness of the whole world. (ASWI)