No. 10. Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit.

1837 Sykes, JRAS IV, p. 289 f., No. 9, and Pl.; 1837 Prinsep, JBAS VI, p. 1044 f., No. 2, and Pl. LIII; 1847 Bird, Hist. Res. p. 55, No.10, and Pl. L, 10; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 160 f., No. 1, and Pl.; 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mem. Buddh. Cav. Junn. p. 3, No. 2, and Pl.; 1877 noticed by Burgess, IA VI, p. 34, No. 2, and Pl.; 1881 Bh. Indraji-Burgess, ICTWI p.54, No. 31, and Pl.; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 94, No. 8.10, Pl. XLIX; Luders list No. 1180;
Lu: -Gift of a seven-celled cave (satagabha) and a cistern (pîähè) by the guild (såni) of corn-dealers (dhaìãika).


Dhaìãikaseíiya satagabhaì pîdhi cha deyadhamaì [ || ]

The meritorious gift of a seven-celled (cave) and cistern by the guild of corn-dealers. (ASWI)