No. 11 Junnar Buddhist cave inscription. Prakrit. On the Chaitya cave at Gaíeùa Leíà.
1837 Sykes, JRAS IV, p, 289 f., No. 10, and Pl.; 1837 Prinsep, JBAS VI, p. 1045 f., No. 4, and Pl. LIII; 1847 Bird, Hist. Res. p. 56 f., No. 13, and Pl. L, 9; 1854 Stevenson-Brett, JBBRAS V, p. 161, No. 2, and Pl.; 1874 noticed by Burgess, Mem. Buddh. Cav. Junn. p. 2, No. 1, and Pl.; 1876 Kern, Ind. Stud. Vol. XIV. p. 396 f., No. 1; 1877 noticed by Burgess, IA VI, p. 33, No. 1, and Pl.; 1877 Kern, IA VI, p. 40 f., No. 1; 1881 Bh. Indraji- Burgess, ICTWI p. 54, No. 30, and Pl.; 1883 Buôhler-Burgess, ASWI IV, p. 94, No. 8,11, and Pl. XLIX; Luders list No. 1179; |
Lu: -Gift of a chaitya building (chåtiyaghara) by Sulasadata (Sulasadatta), the son of Håraíika (Hairaíyaka, or of a treasurer), the Kalèaãa (inhabitant of Kalyàía). |
Kalèaãasa Heraíikaputasa Sulasadatasa ekapurisasa chetiyagharo niyuto deyadhama [||]
A Chaityagðiha, dedicated as a meritorious gift by the distinguished Sulasàdatta, son of
Hairaíyaka of Kalyàía. (ASWI)
This was first translated by Dr. Stevenson, J.B.B.R.As.Soc., vol. v, p. 161; and again by
Dr. Kern in Webers Indische Studien, Bd. xiv, par. 396, Ind. Ant., vol. vi, p. 40. A
Sulasàdatta is also mentioned in two of the Kuäà inscriptions. Sulasà is one of the
jaganmàtaraõ, or mothers of the world, with the Jainas; see Jacobi, Ind.Ant., vol. ix,
p. 28; Cave Temples, p. 209. (ASWI)